Sunday, August 15, 2010

Week 1 of TNT

We had our first training run yesterday. It was only a little over 2 miles but since I basically haven't run at all in the last 2 months I started out easy. I ran with a group that was doing 5 min of running and 2 min of walking. We got done in about 27 or 28 minutes, which was just fine. Also the weather was PERFECT for a run as far as I'm concerned, it was overcast and about 70 degrees, which I'm sure helped.

My husband really wanted to come along just to do the run but he ended up getting a little too excited and signed up for the fundraising again. I hope he'll actually follow through this time, we shall see. Recommittment is in October so he said if he's at $900 raised by then he'll recommit. For the running aspect, he hasn't run at all in over 2 months, he smoked 3 cigarettes on the way to the run, and he did 4 miles in under 40 minutes. Totally not fair! It would be so awesome if I could somehow magically beat him in the marathon, but I don't see that happening.

If my husband and I both do the fundraising we will be raising $2800 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. This will be awesome! And if possible, I want to raise $1000 over my fundraising minimum.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Team in Training Again!

So I signed up for my next marathon with Team in Training. I am training for the Carlsbad marathon in January. My fundraising goal for this event is $1400, but I would like to raise at least $2400, and I think I can do it. If you can, please make a donation via the widget below. Help me find a cure for cancer!

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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Update on Baby A

She is home from the hospital and doing much better! They found out that she had managed to get ahold of some medicine belonging to her aunt. The aunt was promptly kicked out of the house and returned back home to Florida, for the baby's safety.

They are still stuck with a bit of a hospital bill, though luckily not a big one, but I would still like to help them out with it if possible. So the request for any financial assistance is still open. Thanks!

PS: I'm planning to start my next Team in Training activity very soon, I'm so excited!

Monday, June 28, 2010

New cause

I haven't written on here in a bit. I've been taking a break after the marathon and thinking about what I want to work towards next. While I haven't decided what my next cause will be, something did come up which I want to flow as much help towards as possible.

One of my very good friends, F, had a baby almost 3 months pre-maturely. This was almost a year ago now. The baby, A, has been doing great. She's grown beautifully (she's as big as my 15 month old) and has been a very happy baby.

Yesterday, A wouldn't wake up from her nap. She stopped breathing for a brief period of time. F did CPR on her and they went to the ER. The doctor's couldn't figure out what happened after all sorts of tests and wanted to keep her overnight.

This morning A had the same problems and they had a very hard time waking her up. Her breathing was very difficult. The doctor's are now thinking she may be having seizures.

If she is having seizures, F and her husband C will have a VERY long and hard road ahead of them. They are already not doing the greatest financially and this will take a large toll. They have two other children and F just lost her job. Even if she doesn't have seizures, the baby being in the hospital for a few days with all the testing that's been done is going to cost them a lot of money.

So my new cause is to raise some money to help them out. I'm going to start doing this now and I'm also going to put together a care package for them which I'll take to the hospital tomorrow. If anyone can help me out with this in any way, shape or form, please do so. This baby is so special.

Friday, June 11, 2010


I did it. I have officially completed a marathon, 26.2 miles. Of course I didn't do nearly as well on it as I wanted to, but my goal was to get through it in under 7 hours, and that's what I did. It does make me want to do another one just so I can get my desired completion time, so I may do that in January.

I'm planning on doing a half marathon in August and then I'm not sure after that. I definitely want to keep going and I will be participating with Team in Training again, hopefully over and over until we find a cure :)

Thanks to everyone for all your support!

Friday, May 28, 2010

I made it!!!

Two days ago I was $250 away. I decided to try a new tactic. I posted on facebook that I only needed 25 people to donate $10. Right away someone donated $20. So I then posted that I only needed 23 people to donate $10. Shortly after that someone donated $25. So I again posted that I only needed 20 people to donate $10. And so on and so forth. I just kept re-posting it until that last dollar came in.

The awesome part was that no one actually did $10. They all did $20, $25, $30 and 1 person did $100! I cannot believe I finished! What a relief and an accomplishment!

Now to work on my husband's fundraising....

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Less than $250 away!

This is crazy! I'm so close! If about 23 people donated $10 I'd be done. If 5 people donated $50 I'd be done. If 50 people donated $5 I'd be done! And so on...I'm so close I'm going crazy!

I just sent out a facebook message to a bunch of people and I have some friends that are helping me re-post on facebook. I also am twittering like crazy. The fundraising deadline was supposed to be yesterday but I guess they extended it to today, which is awesome.

I feel like I can totally make it. Any help would be awesome! I will blog again once I've made it!!! Here's the link if anyone reading this wants to donate: