Thursday, April 29, 2010

Fundraising is getting there....Mileage is getting up there...

So my paintings for the silent auction are coming along beautifully! The money donations for the food are getting there. I still need to call a few places and check back with them on donations and I need to call a couple places about potentially coming to do wine tasting during the silent auction.

At work I have a "guess how many candies are in the jar" game going on, which people are having quite a bit of fun guessing at. The pool for my marathon time is still going on and I still am collecting change in a large jar, which is filling up nicely.

The running is still going well. Our 9.2 mile run last Saturday was a breeze. This Saturday we have an 18 MILE RUN! I'm kinda scared, though the 16 miler wasn't that hard so I don't know why this one would be either. I can't imagine myself running 18 miles. I'm hoping and assuming that when I get out there it will just be easy. I have discovered that running in the morning first thing is MUCH easier than running at lunch. It's also easier running with friends, than running by yourself.

I will let you guys know how the 18 miler goes!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Silent auction updates

I'm beginning to get really excited about the silent auction. I still don't know if it will raise us enough money but we're off to a great start.

I secured the location completely, and the date I really wanted. It will be a Saturday night, which is great since I don't work on Saturdays. The location is fairly central and has a large space with nice hardwood floors.

I went to Vons today and they donated Vons gift cards which I can use for the food for the event, so that's covered. We don't have to pay anything for the location. I sent out my invite via facebook and started posting it on twitter. I will be getting some big flyers printed out to post in store windows, on bulletin boards, etc. I will also be printing out some 8 1/2 by 11 flyers to pass out at work, at my husbands work, and wherever else.

So it's coming along quite well. I want to have at least 100 people there and raise at least $1000 (MINIMUM). I'm actually going for over $1500 though, which I think is pretty doable if we promote correctly.

As a side note, I'm also really excited about it because it's essentially another art show for me. I haven't had an art show in about 1 1/2 years, and this will be my first "art show" in San Diego. So that, to me, is very exciting.

Our first restaurant fundraiser is tomorrow at Souplantation, so we'll see how that goes. I'm expecting the least turnout for that one, while expecting a large turnout for Rubios next Monday and for the other Souplantation in a week. I will keep everyone updated!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Started some new "fun-raisers"

Today at work I started a pool for people to guess what my marathon finish time will be. It's $10 to guess and I already got $30 from it towards my fundraising today! How fun!

I also got the location for my silent auction finalized (donated by a local coffee shop with a nice, big back room). The space is being donated so I won't have to pay for it, which is awesome. Now I just have to work out the food, which hopefully will be done by Wednesday. I made up an awesome flyer for it today and starting Wednesday will be passing it out, emailing it, posting it where ever I can, etc. I am anticipating most of the remainder of my fundraising coming from this event, if it's promoted correctly. I'm VERY excited about it. It's almost like having another art show! I will be featuring a lot of my art (mostly originals) and other items.

I also have the Rubios fundraiser coming up and two Souplantation fundraisers. I also have another prize drawing going on (the last one for this fundraising). With all of these we should be able to reach our goal, but I am still open for any suggestions so we either have a back up plan or so we beat our goal, which would be AWESOME!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

We just ran over 16 miles!

WOW, I can't believe we did that.

I've been sick for three days now with the flu, just barely beginning to feel better yesterday. Last night my husband and I both slept horribly! The baby was up a good portion of the night. Yet we still got up at 6 this morning, dropped her off at the baby sitter, and went out running along the harbor.

It was a beautiful run. My husband took off ahead of me, as usual. I paced myself well and didn't start to really feel the run until about mile 10. By mile 14 I wasn't sure if I could run anymore, but I did it. I kept going, running all the way through the end. I am so amazed at both my husband and I.

Of course my legs are EXTREMELY sore now and I can hardly walk, but I'm so proud of myself. I just have to realize every time I go run that there are people who CAN'T run. I am so lucky that I can run. I am proud at what I am doing, though I still think it's crazy. I am running and raising money to save lives. How many people can say that?

How many lives are my actions saving exactly? I have no idea. But I plan on doing this year after year, for as long as I can, to contribute as much as I can and save as many lives as possible.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Second prize drawing is complete

Did the second prize drawing today. I raised $65 from it total, which is no where near what I wanted to raise, but definitely better than nothing. I think it's really funny how much I enjoy giving out all the prizes. Almost everyone who bought an entry won something, how awesome is that?

I will be doing probably one more prize drawing, which I already have a few prizes for. I will do that one near the end of May, before our deadline obviously, to give myself more time to collect more prizes and entries. I also have some different prizes in the works, so it will be more unique. I'm putting together a spa package, trying to get some tanning packages, of course more Starbucks and more art. I want to also try to get some movie tickets and more restaurant donations, like Souplantation gift certs, pizza gift certs, etc. I want there to be LOTS of prizes.

I am also now collecting for a silent auction, which will be more expensive prizes in general, like a large Starbucks gift basket, original art work, maybe a wine basket? We shall see. Any suggestions are welcome.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Have hit a bit of a wall

The fund raising seems to have majorly slowed down and I'm not sure how to get it back up and running again. I am starting to worry, we only have 1 1/2 months left to raise about $2500. That's a LOT. I would love to surpass our goal but right now I'm so worried about making it.

This prize drawing has only raised about $60 or so. Not nearly what I wanted to raise. I don't know why it's raised so little, I have so many awesome prizes!

I did arrange three fund raisers at restaurants, one at Rubios and two at two different Souplantations. I am getting a lot of help from friends on promoting these, which I'm very greatful for. I hope to be able to raise at least $150 from these, cumulatively.

I need to move forward with the poker night we want to plan. I need to finalize the details within the next week and start promoting it like crazy, I think I can raise about $200-$300 from that.

I am also planning a silent auction, but have no idea about a location yet. Clara Berta, an AMAZING artist and person, already donated a beautiful painting for this, without me even asking. I need to start getting some donations for this (I am hoping for higher end items for this).

So if anyone has any advice, suggestions, feedback, etc. please let me know. Thanks!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Update on fund raising and training

Fund raising majorly slowed down after the art auction, but it is just beginning to pick back up. I had to extend my prize drawing by two weeks because I didn't have enough entries and for some reason it was a lot harder to get donations for prizes this time. But...I persisted and now I've gotten quite a few more entries and I got several new prizes. So the new date for the drawing is April 12th.

We have only 1 1/2 months to go and a little under $2500. I'm starting to get worried. That's a lot of money in a little time. I have several other fund raising ideas but they take a lot of time and coordination to plan. I will be doing a poker night coming up soon, and I just figured out a good location for it (I just have to get the person's agreement), that should get several hundred dollars. Then I was also thinking about doing a silent auction, but I have to figure out a location for that as well. If anyone can help with some really good ideas, I'd really appreciate it.

On the training side, we had a shorter run last weekend, only about 7 miles. I have been doing more outside and hill runs and less treadmill, and it's getting easier every week (though it's still not easy!). I will be doing a 12-14 mile run this weekend by myself (I will be out of town so won't be able to run with the group), which should be interesting. I have to keep my discipline in and actually do it.

Overall though, I'm MUCH more worried about the fund raising than the training. Because even if I have to walk it I will, but I HAVE to get the fund raising done. Feedback is welcome!!!