Friday, May 28, 2010

I made it!!!

Two days ago I was $250 away. I decided to try a new tactic. I posted on facebook that I only needed 25 people to donate $10. Right away someone donated $20. So I then posted that I only needed 23 people to donate $10. Shortly after that someone donated $25. So I again posted that I only needed 20 people to donate $10. And so on and so forth. I just kept re-posting it until that last dollar came in.

The awesome part was that no one actually did $10. They all did $20, $25, $30 and 1 person did $100! I cannot believe I finished! What a relief and an accomplishment!

Now to work on my husband's fundraising....

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Less than $250 away!

This is crazy! I'm so close! If about 23 people donated $10 I'd be done. If 5 people donated $50 I'd be done. If 50 people donated $5 I'd be done! And so on...I'm so close I'm going crazy!

I just sent out a facebook message to a bunch of people and I have some friends that are helping me re-post on facebook. I also am twittering like crazy. The fundraising deadline was supposed to be yesterday but I guess they extended it to today, which is awesome.

I feel like I can totally make it. Any help would be awesome! I will blog again once I've made it!!! Here's the link if anyone reading this wants to donate:

Friday, May 21, 2010

Pizza Day

Just had a crazy pizza day at work as a fundraiser. It was an amazing amount of work for only about a $10 profit when all was said and done, but it was still a lot of fun. Almost everyone participated, which was great. It also got a lot of people to donate 50 cents or a couple bucks more than they would have, so the actual profit was about $25.

My husband finally got off his butt and is selling raffle tickets at work (yay!). He just texted me and said he has sold $120 in tickets so far, which is awesome! I'm still selling them at work and I have extended the time that people can but them through the weekend, since I just found out our fundraising deadline was extended to this Tuesday. I will still be doing this drawing on Monday, since that was the original date for it.

I still have to add everything up, but overall our final 5 days or so of fundraising we will have raised probably about an additional $400 or so, which is a lot better than where we were at! It's actually seeming possible now that we will get pretty close to our goal, maybe we can even make it :) I'll keep everyone updated.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Doing every fundraiser possible

I am running with every fundraiser I can think of. Last night I went out with my husband and some friends to the streets and did some just straight up fundraising. We passed out beads and asked for money for our cause. We raised about $35. Not much, but better than nothing. It was hard finding a good location so we went with what we had.

Today is $2 Thursday. Anyone who donates $2 gets to pick a secret envelope. So far all I have in the envelopes is gift certs for a free hamburger from Carls Jr and a few Starbucks gift cards. I'm hoping to get some more things today before I go to work but I don't know. I was going to go around yesterday and collect up things for the envelopes but I had to watch my friends baby and I totally owe her.

Tomorrow is pizza Friday. I'm selling pizza at work for a small profit (it really won't be much but it's better than nothing). I also have my raffle ending tomorrow with some great prizes and my marathon finish time pool is supposed to end tomorrow, but I may just extend it until the marathon.

I will be sending out one more email to friends/family today asking for donations, and if I get really crazy I may go to Walmart during my lunch time and fundraise outside. :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Survived the 20 mile run

We did the 20 mile run this morning. I did surprisingly well, much better than I expected. It was still very hard but I beat my 18 mile time by over 30 seconds per mile, so I was quite proud of myself. My legs absolutely HATE me right now :)

We had the silent auction tonight, which went ok....I'm pretty disappointed. We did make about $500 from it, which is better than nothing but we're still $1500 short :( I have no idea how we're going to make that money in the next week :( Does anyone have any ideas?

I will be doing one more raffle and I still have my marathon finish time pool, which I already know I'll get a little more money from. We can't afford to front $1500. I don't want to say this was a bad idea, because even if we've only raised $2000 for our cause, I know that money will help a lot, but really, we can't afford $1500. Please help with any ideas!

Friday, May 14, 2010

20 mile run tomorrow!

I'm scared out of my mind. I have a really bad chest cold this whole week so I haven't been able to do much running and now I have a 20 mile run tomorrow (I STILL have the chest cold!). I have to be there at 6:15 am and spend about5 4 1/2-5 hours running, doesn't that sound like fun? :)

I'm always so scared and then it goes totally fine, so I know there's nothing to worry about (I hope!). Either way, I will do my best, I will feel great afterwards, and I will feel proud of myself for my accomplishment. Plus, we're having pizza afterwards!

Then, tomorrow night when I can barely walk, am exhausted and probably sunburnt, I get to have my biggest fundraising event - the silent auction. That oughta be interesting (I'm sure it will be a blast).

I got some assorted wrist bands from Oriental Trading Co. and I've been "selling" them at work today. Basically anyone who makes a donation of any size gets to pick one. You would think people would just be cheesy and donate 10 cents or something but I think no minimum was a great idea. I've gotten a $10 donation, a couple $5 donations, a few $2 dollar donations, etc. Yes, I've gotten a couple for less than a dollar but overall it's been quite successful so far. I paid about $14 for 50 of these things and I've sold about 10 of them for about $25 or $30. Not bad... :)

Pray, postulate, hope, etc. etc. that I live tomorrow! :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Silent Auction is coming up!!!

Less than a week away! I'm getting excited. I don't have as many RSVPs yet as I'd like, but we're getting quite a few and I know people are going to show up that don't RSVP. I have lots of cool items to auction off, and I know it's going to be a LOT of fun. I REALLY hope we reach our fundraising goal from it.

We did a 9 mile run yesterday. I've been a bit sick so it was unfortunately very hard. We have our 20 MILER coming up next Saturday, I'm a bit worried about it...I don't know why, the 18 miler went fine. I know it will go fine, I just always worry beforehand. I'm going to get out there and just DO IT! Then, shortly after that, I will be running the marathon and kicking butt!!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Did the famous "train run"

Wow! Today was crazy. We got up at 4:45 am, threw on our running gear, at a quick breakfast and headed out the door. We had to drop our daughter off at the baby sitter, then drive about 30-40 minutes to the train station in Solana Beach. We took the train to Carlsbad.

At that point, our crazy selves ran 18 MILES back to Solana Beach. 18 MILES!!! As usual, it was difficult, but I didn't die. I got a nice sun burn (note to self: sun block was invented for a reason), a blister on my foot (note to self: stick with the socks you always wear, don't try any more new socks), and of course my legs feel like I just ran 18 miles.

All in all, it was pretty fun! I know it's crazy but I'm out there DOING SOMETHING. I'm running to save lives, to help find a cure for cancer. I'm running for those who can't.

Now, fundraising...that's a different story. I'm getting frustrated about it again. I KNOW anyone could donate a couple bucks, but they DON'T! And I don't understand why! Especially my two oldest sisters, who I love dearly, but who have shown NO INTEREST in helping me whatsoever. They act like they don't even know what I'm doing. It was their mom who died, too. Not just my mom. I would think they would be a little more interested in helping out, especially since they are fully able to.

Once I start talking about money it seems like quite a few people act like they don't even know me. I don't understand this, but I probably never will. I just hope it somehow magically starts to go better. I wanted to totally surpass our fundraising goal but at the moment it looks like we won't even achieve our minimum...

I hope it starts to go better.